As this new season of Summer just arrived, most days are simply too hot for a hot cup of java juice. Here are a few pointers to help you brew a fantastic iced coffee. ☕️
1.Begin with freshly roasted coffee beans. Avoid buying your beans on sale since a fantastic iced coffee is never brewed with stale beans. If you don't drink iced coffee frequently, consider purchasing fresh beans from a coffee shop where you can buy only what you need for the occasion. ☕️
2.Try it out to see how it tastes. Coffee tastes different when it's hot vs when it's cold. Allow a hot cup of coffee to cool to room temperature to get a sense of how it will taste cold. This simple test can assist you in determining what tastes best to you. ☕️
3. Make use of new ice. If ice is left in the freezer for an extended period of time, it will become stale. If you're unsure if your ice is aiding or hindering your iced coffee, a simple test is to melt a few cubes and bring them to room temperature, then taste the resulting water. You're in good shape if water is something you want to drink by the glassful. If not, discard the old ice and make some new. If it still tastes stale, invest in a bag of ice; the investment is well worth the flavor enhancement. ☕️
4. Make a strong cup of tea. Because the ice will dilute your coffee, make it extra strong. Make ice cubes out of your leftover coffee to avoid diluting your drink. To keep your drink frozen, use these instead of ordinary ice cubes. ☕️
5. A cold brew is a good option. Acidity in cold coffee irritates some people. Coffee's acidity is substantially reduced when it is brewed cold (with the same coffee it will lower the acidity one full pH point vs. hot brew). Fill a quart Mason jar halfway with water and whisk in 3/4 cup ground coffee. Refrigerate for 12 hours after sealing it. To remove the grinds, strain the resulting concentration through a coffee filter. When you're ready to drink, add water to taste. You can even boil the reconstituted beverage to make a quick cup of low-acid coffee. ☕️
6. If you're making iced coffee, avoid using scorched coffee. It's alright to save leftover coffee for an iced beverage, but don't use the dregs of a burnt pot. If something doesn't taste nice hot, it won't taste good cold either. ☕️
When you are in a rush or out of time and don't have any make over coffee on hand, use this instant coffee recipe instead. ☕️
Iced Vanilla Coffee ☕️
2 teaspoons coffee (instant)
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract (pure)
2 tsp. chilled water
1 1/4 cups milk
flakes of chocolate (optional)
Sucrose (optional)
In a blender, combine the first five ingredients.
Pulse-blend the ingredients until they're smooth and foamy.
Pulse until all of the ingredients are fully combined, then add the cool milk.
Pour in a few ice cubes, then top with chocolate.
If desired, after the first five ingredients have been combined, add the ice to the blender and crush it, then add the milk and stir. ☕️
Check out our Freshly-roasted coffee, mugs and t-shirt collections for a best gift for your family and friends. ☕️ ☕️ ☕️